Manga, Manhwa, and Anime Reviews!

Hello and welcome to my site where I post a lot of stuff about manga, manhwa, anime, and anything in between. Mostly, I focus on reviews for manga. In my daily life, I read a lot of manga and manhwa. Any spare moment I have, or even just slow time at work, it’s almost guaranteed I am reading something. Since I enjoy reading, and I read a large amount, I’ve started reviewing what I read. I do have a TikTok account where I am most active, and I discuss many manga series, as well as a few other things.

What kind of reviewer am I?

Well, I’m not so much looking for the next grand epic adventure story with amazing fights. Is this a good story, that’s all I’m looking for. Now manga and manhwa are not without their faults, of course, but for me as long as I’m enjoying the story, that’s all that matters. Even if it’s the 10th Isekai story I’ve read that week, it just has to be entertaining.

I started short review videos on my TikTok, but sometimes there is more to say. I do try to limit spoilers to just the initial plot, but sometimes I have to explain more, which I do give spoiler warnings for. In addition, I do provide all information I can find on the series; is it complete, should it have trigger warnings, are there things some might not like such as Ecchi/Fan Service, etc.

What do I read?

The short answer, everything and anything. While I do have genres I prefer, such as fantasy, I will read just about anything I can find, depending on my mood of course. Sometimes I’ll get on manga isekai binges, then suddenly I’m reading slice-of-life manhwa or a sports series. I will read 18+ series. Ecchi and fan service do not bother me, and while I do not prefer horror/psychological series, I will still read them.

As for anime…

I’ll just get this out of the way right now, I’ve been watching anime for well over 20 years at this point. Yes, I was watching it when it was only available on TV and there was no internet option. Yes, I was watching it when YouTube came around and people would upload the anime at 3 minutes each so there’d be 20 videos to watch and you’d have to search for them because they were not always in order. And yes, I was one of those who would never admit I liked anime in school because then I’d be bullied. Times certainly have changed for the better in that regard.

While anime reviews are not something I do a lot of, I do keep up to date on the seasonal releases, and I try to give background on the new series by reading the manga, if there is one.

Check the Upcoming Releases for more

18+ Reviews

This area contains reviews for more explicit content for both Manga and Manhwa. Of course, this content is marked as explicit and meant for adult readers.

Reviews are done differently than most other reviews are. Reviews are very quick, and more focus is given to the explicit content of the story and what it contains.

If you’d like to request something, please let me know through my socials.